Read weekly news round ups, tips for our clients on using Sitemorse as well as articles on improving accessibility and digital compliance.
Discover how AI-driven solutions can help businesses meet the European Accessibility Act (EAA) requirements, improve digital services, and reduce compliance costs. Learn more about preparing for the EAA and check your website's accessibility for free at
Our Support Lead, Helen Grimbly takes us through the diagnostic 'Unable to verify the first certificate' within a Sitemorse report.
Our Support Lead, Helen Grimbly takes us through why the number of pages can impact the score a Sitemorse assessment is given.
The value which automation brings not only to teams, but also budgets can sometimes get lost. Sitemorse’s unique automation not only saves you time and money, but focuses your ‘Digital First’ approach, exponentially improving your service to your audience.
Over the last five years, compliance spend and litigation have continued to rise, but with no discernible improvement in website accessibility compliance. Too often, compliance is considered to be purely a problem for web or IT teams, and the lack of ownership and oversight at executive level means that there is a lack of accountability – as a consequence, the compliance position shows no improvement.
With the increasing use of the internet and digital technologies, it is crucial that website owners and operators understand their responsibilities and take the necessary steps to comply with regulations.
The New York State Senate Bill S7572A will have significant implications for contractors and vendors who work with the state, as well as for the state itself, the bill which became law on December 2, 2022 and will take effect on May 31, 2023.
The considerable expansion and increased reliance of being online presents significant challenges for organizations already struggling with digital issues such as security and online governance, with a lack of corporate executive oversight at the heart of the issue. Enter in digital sprawl, and the problem is only exasperated and one issue making the challenge harder is website accessibility.
In this piece, we discuss how to download the accessibility results from a Sitemorse report.
In this piece, we discuss brotli and how Sitemorse supports it.
In this update, we explore how Sitemorse can provide a report which details a list of all pages on a website.
The Sitemorse INDEX has a new leader, Hastings Borough Council, who have reached the top spot with an overall score of 9.6/10.
The Sitemorse INDEX has moved over to our new engine, Sitemorse II. We're hosting a webinar to let our clients know how this will impact them and more about what the INDEX is.
How Sitemorse II lets you find dynamic content by showing you the location of content that as been loaded when the browser loads
We've answered a few of the most interesting questions we've been asked about the Sitemorse service.
Maps are often used on a website to provide visual information on a location.
Implementing a new CMS often has many benefits for organisations such as improved usability, extended functionality and reduced costs however, a CMS can’t do everything, including creating accessible websites on its own.
We take a look at recent news stories around the topics of accessibility, digital inclusion and ADA litigation from July.
Embedding YouTube content into your web page is very easy and convenient. However they introduce performance and accessibility issues - especially when embedding multiple videos on the same page. Here is one solution we have found.
We take a look at recent news stories around the topics of accessibility, digital inclusion and ADA litigation from June.
In this Developer Corner, we're looking at two WCAG Success Criterion and how they are reported by Sitemorse.
We take a look at recent news stories around the topics of accessibility, digital inclusion and ADA litigation from May.
How to determine why your Sitemorse INDEX score has changed.