
Sitemorse is committed to ensuring access to content for all, without discrimination of any kind.

Sitemorse engages in ongoing efforts to ensure adherence to the requirements defined by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), specifically, the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.2. The Sitemorse website is independently monitored by AAAtraq to help maintain compliance.

Content contained within PDF documents can be provided in alternative formats to ensure access is available to as wide an audience as possible.

Although Sitemorse endeavours to meet the WCAG requirements, it is not always possible to do so in all areas of the website at all times; be it our reliance on 3rd parties, technical or usability limitations.

If you experience problems accessing any part of the website, please let us know, and at your convenience, by email Please be as specific as possible in your description of the problem(s) encountered as well as the location (Page Name, Heading and/or URL) on the website, providing your details and your preferred method of contact.

The Sitemorse User Interface (UI) used by our clients for reporting has been designed and built to be functionally rich, intuitive to use and accessible to all. In terms of visual impairment specifically, it has been subject to testing by a client with visual impairment with only 10% of average vision. Over the last 10 years, Sitemorse has made numerous changes to improve accessibility as a result of feedback from this client. We welcome feedback from clients generally about any potential accessibility issues and ensure that these are considered in future releases of the Reporting UI and throughout Sitemorse.

This page was last updated March 2024.