Track and eliminate spelling mistakes on your website

09 Oct 2020 | Accessibility | Sitemorse Experience

Adam Turner
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Why is this important?

The quality of spelling on a website reflects on you and your brand.  It allows visitors to trust you.  Bad spelling can put your visitors off you as a brand and an organisation.

While some spelling mistakes are harmless and amusing, many aren’t. The humble typo not only makes us seem ridiculous or less credible than we are, poor spelling can also create confusion, a loss of clarity and meaning, and – in extreme cases – cost millions in missed sales and job opportunities.

Research has shown that as soon as people spot a spelling mistake on a website, they’re likely to leave because they fear it could be fraudulent.

How does Sitemorse assess spelling?

The Sitemorse spelling tool ensures consistency across your digital estate through using the same dictionary for brand, product names and your own terminology.  It is an efficient system which replaces staff having to constantly check spelling which saves time and therefore money.

Spelling issues are presented in a prioritised way, by alerting you to banned words, or words you do not wish to have included in your content.  You can add your own words to your personalised dictionary in just one click, adding to industry-based jargon-busting language. 

What does the spelling assessment do?

Sitemorse automates spell-checking across your content, before, during and after your website becomes live.  We cover over 130 languages, including Welsh, and ensure spell-checking is consistently applied.

You can read more about the Spelling assessment category on our website or watch a brief video on our YouTube Channel.

You can check the any page for Spelling issues using SMARTVIEW. Sitemorse spell checking can also be added to your CMS allowing you to check your content for spelling issues before you publish.