Does Sitemorse check all of my digital channels including social media?

03 May 2018

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Social Media

Yes! Sitemorse understands the need for consistent quality and compliance across all digital channels, in order to deliver a seamless, and exceptional user experience across your entire digital footprint.

Sitemorse can assess and report on your social channels, as well as your main website, so that all digital channels (websites, social pages, emails and mobile content) are fully optimised, within compliance requirements and on brand.

Sitemorse continuously monitors your social channels for e.g. broken links and email addresses, ‘not to use’ words, malware links, and so on. This ensures that issues are highlighted before publication, to improve the quality and compliance of your social channels.

Assessing and reporting on all digital channels enables all teams to consistently publish high-quality and compliant content, without the need for constant re-training and support.

● Will I be able to access Sitemorse if I’m working at home or remotely?

● Why does Sitemorse deliver a Top Ten Priorities list – not 12 or 50 or another number?

● To read ten of our most frequently asked questions about procuring a digital governance system, click here.

About Sitemorse

Sitemorse ( helps organizations to efficiently drive improved user experience, ensuring that content is always optimised and that compliance requirements are always met. With clients in every corner of the world, Sitemorse ( sets out to remove endless reporting from Digital Governance and to instead provide actionable insights so that major changes can be made quickly.

The company has now been moving the field of Digital Governance forwards for over 15 years, while remaining privately owned, and continues to provide clients with new tools and capabilities every year. Most recently, this has included a focus on extending capabilities directly within the CMS, as well as addressing the governance / QA service issue of ‘endless reporting’. 

Sitemorse ( helps digital managers to build strong processes and accountability, to minimise risks and to achieve the highest standards of content quality. And with Sitemorse (, there is no need for the substantial infrastructure, support and accordant costs that are required for manual quality and compliance checks.

Image: Flickr/Stacey MacNaught