Developer Corner - Check spelling of image alt text

25 Jan 2021 | Developer Corner

Helen Grimbly
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This week, Support Lead, Helen Grimbly outlines how Sitemorse checks the spelling in image alt text elements.

Sitemorse checks the spelling on alt text for images. If screen readers are being used to access a web page, correct spelling will help a screen reader to correctly describe the image to a user. Correct spelling can also affect the listing of those images in search engines. For example, if the image were to contain information about an event, correct spelling of alt text will help describe the needed information for that event.

There is a check in the SEO category of a Sitemorse Report called 'spellingalt' which will list any spelling queries in alt text found in the assessment of the website that needs to be reviewed. By selecting this diagnostic you will be taken to the Spelling section of the Report.

This SEO diagnostic does not affect the Overall score.

For more about the Spelling category of a Report, please see the following article: