Make sure you spend all of this year’s budget

06 Dec 2019 | General

Adam Turner
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It’s that time of the year when we seem to be hurtling towards the winter holidays. Is it really going to be 2020 in just a few weeks? And where on earth did all the time go?

Being this late in the year you may already have your eyes on a well-earned break, but if you do have a financial year end of December 31st, don’t forget to make sure you use up all the budget already allocated to you for this financial year.

Why it’s wise to spend your budget

There are two good reasons why it’s usually wise to spend you budget. Firstly, if resourcing for your site is already tight then never waste an opportunity to invest in your website and the team that run it. Secondly, you’re very unlikely to get rewarded for not spending your budget however cost-conscious you are being – it just means next year’s allocation is likely to be reduced.

It’s also worth remembering that budgets can come in lots of little “pots”, for example there are training budgets, project budgets and other department’s budgets. A website and a CMS impact a wide number of initiatives and teams. If somebody else has budget they need to spend can you invest in something that will benefit them but also have a wider benefit across your digital footprint?

Invest in your site and your team

We’re not going to pretend that we don’t want you to spend some of your unused budget with us! To help you, we offer full transparency on our pricing. Simply click on the pricing option on the top menu and then download the appropriate PDF. We believe our pricing is already very competitive – one of the reasons we don’t offer discounts. 

Even if you’ve got a modest amount left to play with, Sitemorse is a very flexible investment so it’s possible to make a relatively small investment and still get significant value. For example, if you are planning to make digital improvement a priority for 2020 you could spend a small amount now to establish baseline measurements to establish where you are, enabling you to track progress over the new year. 

We also regard Sitemorse’s combination of automated prioritisation of issues, targeted notifications and relevant bite-sized instructional videos a great way to upskill your digital team with just-in-time learning. Any unused training budget spent on us won’t go to waste.

Spend that budget!

Even if you chose to spend your budget elsewhere, make sure you do! Websites and the teams that run them need proper resourcing and its always worth taking advantage of the funds available.