Developer Corner - What PDF tests does Sitemorse carry out?

21 May 2021 | Developer Corner

Helen Grimbly
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This week, Support Lead, Helen Grimbly will be looking at what PDF tests Sitemorse carries out.

Sitemorse can assess PDFs, this includes the following tests: 
- Checks clickable web and email links - that links are not broken and that email syntax is correctly formatted. 
- Accessibility checks on PDFs include: 
- Document Title - used in Search Engine results. Please see in the following Adobe article on how to set the title - note it is important to carry out all four steps:
- Images have alt text applied - helps screen reader to describe content of PDF. Please see the following Adobe article on how to apply alt text to images:
- Correct tab and reading order in PDF documents - so that screen readers can navigate through PDF content in the correct order. Please see the following Adobe articles on how to set the tab order and the following section on how to "tag" the PDF for the correct reading order
- The PDF document has a language specified - useful for screen readers to know how to read the document. Please see the following Adobe article on how to set the language:
- That PDFs, other than very short ones, have bookmarks set for navigation. Please see the following article on how to set bookmarks:

The service includes unlimited use for carrying out PDF tests. Individual PDF tests can be carried out by: 
- Select Digital Properties link 
- Click plus + icon next to 'Ad hoc' tab 
- Enter the URL of the PDF 
- Click the PDF checkbox, and click 'Run audit' 
- The results will be displayed on the screen, and can also be viewed under the 'Ad hoc' tab for 30 days.

Find out more about running PDFs in our previous Developer Corner on how to assess a PDF.