Improved Benchmarking and New Score Download Feature

30 Nov 2017

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Sitemorse benchmarking is available to all clients who not only like to keep a track on how their sites are progressing over time, but also for reporting improvements to their team.

The first assessment we run as part of a new service, forms the baseline and is a reference to compare where an organisation’s journey starts to improve their online presence in terms of quality and compliance.

By storing historic data for assessments, and our Benchmarking and KPI section, we enable clients to easily view this data, across the overall site and also a breakdown of each of the categories that we assess.

Recently, we have updated the Benchmarking and KPIs section to make it easier to share results, by extending the date range available and providing a score download feature to xls.

The changes can be viewed in the KPI Reporting and Download video.