06 Jul 2017
It wasn’t a surprise to discover that Jadu powered sites achieved the most 4 star ratings at Socitm Better Connected 2017 with 78% of the 3 star awards also going to Jadu customers.
We usually know when Jadu have released a new site as we see its’ ranking significantly improve in our Local Government INDEX, usually featuring as one of our highest climbers, for example Havering Council Q1 2017 and Sevenoaks Council Q2 2017. Harrogate Council, another Jadu powered site, achieved the coveted top Sitemorse Local Government INDEX spot in both Q1 2017 and Q2 2017, and was awarded Socitm Best Shire District 2017 - a fantastic accomplishment.
Well done Jadu for producing quality sites, and helping Local Government to improve on overall user experience.