Sitemorse™ to offer website testing in partnership with ABC ELECTRONIC

08 Dec 2003

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Sitemorse™, the automated website testing company, has become an Associate Subscriber of ABC ELECTRONIC, and will provide registered sites and partner organisations with complete and comprehensive technical proof-reading, testing and performance monitoring of websites.

The relationship will enable Sitemorse™ to offer ABC ELECTRONIC clients its automated software system to check every page of their websites for errors, warnings, speed issues and site data and management requirements. ABC ELECTRONIC has partnered with Sitemorse™ to help add value to its clients by broadening the services it offers, and enabling them to verify that sites are operating effectively and that they are getting the best possible performance for their investment.

Websites are an increasingly important way for organisations to provide two-way communication with customers, investors, shareholders, the media and the general public. According to Sitemorse™, the vast majority of websites will have some errors which can impair site performance and compromise end users by making sites difficult and slow to access, and can also give a bad impression of the quality and performance of a site and brand.

Philip Sheldon at Sitemorse™ said:
"Increasingly the quality, performance and reputation of the whole organisation will be judged by its online presence and accessibility. But despite the huge investments made in online properties, most organisations have not checked their sites to make sure they are functioning as they should or that site performance is not being hampered by technical issues. By testing a website for these kinds of problems organisations can make sure they are getting a more effective return on their online investment, and work to ensure that their sites are working as they have been designed to."

Richard Foan, Managing Director at ABC ELECTRONIC comments:
"Sitemorse is able to offer ABC Electronic clients additional services to help them ensure their investment in online property is increasingly effective. The errors that can be present in any website often undermine functionality and cast a shadow over the robustness of a site and the parent organisation. Keeping these errors in check can only improve consumer and investor confidence in electronic media."

ABC ELECTRONIC was established in 1996, building on the experience and expertise of the Audit Bureau of Circulations Ltd (ABC). It has rapidly established itself as the organisation trusted by the media industry to verify data to agreed industry standards* for all forms of electronic media (Internet, Email, SMS, Interactive TV, WAP, PDA and Streams).

ABC ELECTRONIC is an industry owned, tri-partite, not-for-profit organisation that works with and for media owners, advertisers and media buyers to help them better understand and gain confidence in the data they use.

* These standards are agreed by JICWEBS (The Joint Industry Committee for Web Standards in the UK and Ireland -, a body created by the UK and Irish media industry. JICWEBS oversees the independent development and ownership of standards for measuring the use and effectiveness of advertising on electronic media.