New Automated monthly testing, Priority correction reporting

06 Aug 2003

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Sitemorse™ automatically tests your site either every week or every month.

There are 2 types of testing, regular and full – both providing an unmatched level of website function and performance review and reporting.

Reporting now prioritises corrective action, focusing on the problems that are likely to have the greatest effect on the site and ones that are most likely to be seen by visitors.

Automated monthly regular tests along with on demand user instigated testing for site of 1,000 pages is £400 per year. Those with sites of 50 pages pay just £35!

The types of test:

This will test the most commonly-visited areas of the site. The tests will be of the top levels of the site which the majority of visitors will see (around the first 250 pages - equivalent to approximately four hours' browsing) and where the majority of technical/build problems will be uncovered. Concentrating on the front-end of the site also helps you to prioritise corrective efforts efficiently. This level of testing will also usually uncover any problems in page templates, allowing corrective action to take place that benefits the whole site.

Based on the choice of annual service contract, we also include a number of full tests for your site. These are run when you want them to be, perhaps after a updated site is implemented or following significant change in the site content, e.g. for retail e-commence sites after the uploading of the new season's collections.

Following the completion of 4 tests, Sitemorse™ will also provide a range of graphing tools to enable user to review website progress and performance more effectively. These can also be used together with access statistics to provide very powerful site assessment.