Accessibility Bulletin Week 37 – accessibility news around the globe

17 Sep 2020 | Accessibility Bulletin

Adam Turner
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Our weekly roundup of the media’s key articles on the topic of digital accessibility.

US | Court system sees proliferation of website accessibility claims 

Lawsuits claiming their websites are inaccessible to users with disabilities, and therefore violate the Americans with Disabilities Act. Title III of the ADA...

UK | On demand Accessibility assessment

It's quick and easy to see where your website stands on accessibility try for free on any website – run immediately from $29

US | Law Firm Which Sued Wrong Defendant For Website Under ADA Is Reminded of Rule 11 😉

.. law firm of Stein Saks, PLLC sued Waittcorp Investments, LLC about the lack of accessibility to blind people of a website

UK | Seven challenges of managing digital channels in regulated industries 

Being a website or digital marketing manager is a rewarding role, but it comes with its challenges, particularly around ensuring your channels comply with the regulatory environment in your country and industry sector.

INT | The new dynamics of businesses and disability in the Middle East

Writing for the Business Disability Forum, Aya Abdullah Jibreal is a senior inclusive design and accessibility consultant at Qaderoon Business Disability Network.