Accessibility Bulletin Week 31 – accessibility news around the globe

14 Aug 2020 | Accessibility | Accessibility Bulletin

Adam Turner
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Our weekly roundup of the media’s key articles on the topic of digital accessibility. 

UK | Q3 Local Authorities Results – respect an independent audit!

Results are available across the UK Local Authorities – surprising the number of people claiming all is OK, when such a vast amount of failures are present. CMS Vendor, consultants saying all is ok – too many ostriches here as the September deadline approaches 

Free RISK PROFILE and pathway to compliance mapped at

ALL | Google Lookout: App reads grocery labels for blind people

Google's AI can now identify food in the supermarket, in a move designed to help the visually impaired. A new update has added the ability for a computer voice to say aloud what food it thinks a person is holding based on its visual appearance.

US | ADA-Compliant Websites and How to Make Sure You Have One

Just like there is a need for physical buildings to be ADA-compliant and include accessible entryways and other accommodations, the same needs to be done for websites to make it possible for people with disabilities to more easily navigate a business’ website.

US | Wilson Elser Named First Law Firm On ADA Website Compliance Legal Panel

National law firm Wilson Elser announced today that it has accepted an invitation to be the first law firm on a legal panel created by AAAtraq, a compliance identification and management service, to raise web compliance under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

ALL | Be wary of the Accessibility quick fix promises 

There are software companies promising ADA / Accessibility compliance on the web with one line of code with no effort. Oh - and it turns out lawyers on both sides of the table know that this software doesn't protect companies from lawsuits. See quoted article One of the worst aspects of the quick-fix accessibility widgets is their promise that installation will satisfy ADA obligations immediately on purchase.