Download our free guide to accessibility and the Equality Act

12 Jun 2020 | Accessibility | Public sector | Private sector

Adam Turner
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The UK Equality Act and European Union Directive 2016/2102/EU  have major implications for websites, particularly around the need to comply with standards relating to digital accessibility. Those digital teams who take no action or are unaware of the detail of the Act open themselves up to the greater risk of legal action. Most organisations are either unaware or have an inadequate approach to accessibility, and this is an area where most organisations need to urgently review their approach.

To help busy digital teams get up to speed we have created a free guide to accessibility and the Equality Act, featuring a detailed review and commentary. You can download this now, without having to complete any form or contact details.

The guide covers a number of areas including:

  • What the Equality Act is and why it is important
  • What it says relating to websites and internet services
  • What this means for your website
  • Answering various questions relating to the act.

We’ve already had several of our clients tell us that the review and commentary has been very useful. This is an area that all digital marketing teams need to know about.

Download the free guide:  Accessibility and Equality Act: review and commentary