Developer Corner - Sitemorse assessment and Global Heartbeat monitor IP addresses

14 Apr 2020 | Tech Update

Helen Grimbly
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This week, Support Lead, Helen Grimbly will be outlining the current Sitemorse IP addresses used for Sitemorse assessments and Global Heartbeat monitors.

Sitemorse assessment IP addresses 

The Sitemorse engine 1 IP addresses currently used for Sitemorse site assessments for the in-depth website reports are and .

The Sitemorse engine 2 (SMII) assessment IP addresses are and . Alternatively you can whitelist by hostname, which would be and .

For more information on how Sitemorse assesses a site, please see the following article:

Internal sites can be assessed by allowing access to the Sitemorse IP addresses (whitelisting).

Bear in mind that you may need to add whitelisting in multiple places, depending on how your website is served. Examples include the webserver itself, any firewall you may have, a load balancer, and a content delivery network (e.g. Cloudflare, Akamai) if you use one.

Please note IP addresses are liable to change in the future without warning (although will not change frequently).

Global Heartbeat monitoring IP addresses

There are currently 9 independent Sitemorse Global Heartbeat monitors (based around the world) and each carry out one fetch of the HTML of the front page of the site every 5 minutes. So there's a total of 9 fetches every 5 minutes. A check includes the status code returned (e.g. 200 is OK status) and the download time for the HTML only.

The Sitemorse Global Heartbeat monitor IP addresses are listed at the following URL:

The list may change at any time (although will not change frequently) but this file is always up-to-date.