Why spelling is important – adding your dictionary to Sitemorse

08 Apr 2020 | Accessibility | Tech Update

Adam Turner
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Why spelling is important – adding your dictionary to Sitemorse

When we publish content on our websites, we want it to be simple to read and understand; after all nobody sets out to confuse the reader.

Spelling errors can do this and make the reader question the credibility of the site or worse still, make the organisation a laughingstock.

It is likely that most basic spelling errors will be caught by the CMS before publication but what about those that slip through the net? Sitemorse can check the spelling of a webpage; we have dictionaries that support over 120 languages.

However, what about those words that are common use in your organisation, for example, names of people, places names or your brands? As they are familiar within your organisation a quick glance may result in the error being ignored when actually it was an incorrect spelling.

Fortunately, there is a simple solution – by adding these words to your custom dictionary, Sitemorse can ensure they are spelt correctly thus ensuring readers are distracted from your message.

We have produced a short video to show you how to upload your own dictionary to Sitemorse:  https://youtu.be/dl17b4b9qN0