Developer Corner - SEO and Metadata category updates

06 Apr 2020 | Tech Update

Helen Grimbly
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Following an assessment of a site in Sitemorse, the resulting Report includes an SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and Metadata category which focuses on checks and criteria that will affect search engine ranking. Sitemorse has recently updated the SEO section to include new diagnostics. Please note that these new diagnostics do not affect the overall score.

The SEO and Metadata summary page of a Report will show the percentage of pages that have Priority, Secondary and Tertiary issues. Each chart can be selected to view that level's issues. Here are the diagnostics for each level:


Some of the following Priority diagnostics are also shown elsewhere in the Report, but they are also collated here as they all impact SEO. 
Add a title to the page - The page title significantly impacts browser engine search results. 
Add page description - A page description can improve search engine indexing and results. 
file/html/alttext - Alt text on images should be added, as search engines read the alt text. 
Correct the page heading spelling - Correct spelling can improve the SEO for the page. 
Reduce the page size - Very large pages may not be entirely read by a search engine, so only part of the page would be indexed. Large pages can also be penalised in search engine results. 
Correct spelling mistake in img description - Search engines read the descriptions of images. 
Reduce size of images used - The load time of a page affects search engine ranking, and so large images will affect the load time of the page. 
Improve page performance - The response time of a page could affect whether a search engine lists the page. 
Correct spelling in title - If the title is spelt correctly it is more likely to be indexed correctly by the search engine.


file/html/titles - More than one <title> tag has been specified. 
file/html/longtitle - The title is over-long. 
file/html/titlechars - There are special characters in the title. (Special characters include non-printable characters). 
file/html/badcanonical - Canonical metadata link has problems. 
file/html/longmeta - The Meta tag content is too long. 
file/html/metascheme - Meta content does not match its declared scheme. 
file/html/nolanguage - Document does not have the language defined. 
file/html/useheadings - Headings should be used in the correct order. 
file/general/robots - Invalid robots.txt (the robots.txt syntax is invalid). 
url/fetch/redirectwww - www redirect (the site is checked with and without www). 
url/fetch/redirecthttp - http redirect (http and https versions of the site are checked). 
spellingmeta - Description should be spelt correctly. 
filesizecss- Reduce the CSS size (search engines may not process CSS files that are too large).


file/html/duplicatedescription - There should only be one metadata description in a page. 
file/html/badmeta - Phrases in the meta keywords tag must be separated by commas. 
file/html/metachars - There shouldn't be special characters in the meta description. 
file/html/duplicateheading - There should be only one heading (h1), as headings affect search engine indexing. 
file/general/sitemap - The sitemap syntax is checked. 
file/html/altplaceholder - The alt text is placeholder text, and should be given a suitably applicable description, as search engines read alt text. 
file/image/size - The image file size or dimensions do not match. 
url/fetch/robots - There is no robot.txt file. 
file/html/headinglength - The heading <h1> length is not optimal. 
codequality - The HTML needs correcting. This diagnostic links to the code quality section of a Sitemorse Report. 
reuseddescription - All page descriptions should be unique. 
reusedtitle - All page titles should be unique.

SEO Summary Page, further links:

Diagnostics - All the diagnostics for every level listed on one page.

Content tail - Words and phrases that occur most will be ranked higher by a search engine.

Redirections - If a site has too many redirections then a search engine may not list it, so this shows if there are any of these issues.

Downloads in XLS - The SEO information for the top 125 pages is available as an XLS download. The file contains Title, Description, Summary, Filesize, Robots, Sitemap sections: 

  • Titles - Title analysis for every page. 
  • Descriptions - Description analysis for every page. 
  • Summary - Summary of titles and description analysis for all pages. 
  • Filesize - Filesize analysis for the top 125 files. 
  • Robots - Analysis of the robots.txt file. 
  • Sitemap - Analysis of the sitemap.

Run an immediate assessment of a landing page - Run an assessment of a page to view the SEO related information for that page.