How to configure a Content-Security-Policy to allow SMARTVIEW

23 Mar 2020 | Tech Update

Helen Grimbly
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This week, Support Lead, Helen Grimbly will be outlining how to configure a Content-Security-Policy to allow SMARTVIEW bookmark to run an assessment.

If your site is served with a Content-Security-Policy then you may have found that the SMARTVIEW bookmarklet may not work. In this case, you should add the following within the script-src section of your Content-Security-Policy: The SMARTVIEW bookmark should then work.

Please note an alternative way of running a SMARTVIEW is to login to Sitemorse, select 'Digital Properties' link, then click the plus + symbol next to the 'On Demand' tab. Type in a URL, leave number of pages set to 1, and click 'Run assessment'. This will run a SMARTVIEW immediately, or you'll be emailed when it completes. SMARTVIEWs that you have run in the last month can also be viewed when logged in, under 'Digital Properties' -> 'On Demand' -> 'SMARTVIEWs' tab option.

If you have any questions please contact