Technical Service Bulletin Week 44 - Social media site assessments

28 Oct 2019 | Tech Update

Helen Grimbly
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This week, Support Lead, Helen Grimbly will be looking at some of the Sitemorse tests that can be carried out on Social media sites.

Social media sites like Facebook and Twitter can be added to a Sitemorse Service for daily assessments. Some of the checks carried out include:

  • Function errors

    Are there any broken links in the posts / tweets, which include for example, file not found errors (link that returns 404 status). This will help identify if for example a link to a youtube video or image has been added but is broken.

  • Spelling errors

    Have any words been posted that are spelt incorrectly according to the language set by the page, or that haven't been added to your custom dictionary.

  • Brand errors

    Brand checks such as, for example, do not allow the company name to be posted / tweeted that isn't in the form defined by the company style guidelines.

  • Word Cloud

    A time period can be selected and the words that are most posted / tweeted will be shown. This is useful to gauge popular content of discussion.

  • Posts Per Day

    This feature helps to identify the activity on the site, number of posts and tweets in the last week, month or year.

If you would like to discuss social media assessments and add these to your Service please contact