06 Dec 2022 | Index | Accessibility | Public sector | SM update

Last year we announced our new engine, Sitemorse II, which enables us to assess a website as a person would, augmenting diagnostics on things we can check by 30%.
Since its introduction, clients have been using the new engine and have been impressed by the capability it offers.
We’re now at the next stage of the roll out of the SMII engine, and it’s a big one. For the Q4 INDEX, and all future runs, the INDEX has moved to SMII. We’ve done this do ensure consistency of reporting across our client and INDEX reports. If you’re a client there’s nothing for you to do, all the changes have happened behind the scenes. You’ll still receive your results in the same way and the INDEX is still run using the same criteria (a crawl starting at the homepage, of the top 125 pages and 10 PDFs).
To facilitate the smooth transition of this process, Mike Carter, Technical Director at Sitemorse, will be hosting a webinar on Tuesday, December 13th at 2.00pm, during this webinar, Mike will be covering:
- What the Sitemorse INDEX is and how to understand it
- The results of the INDEX
- The impact of SMII on the INDEX
- Identifying some interesting statistics and trends relating to the overall compliance of the included sites and where improvements can be made.
- How to extract the result data to create your own custom report, e.g. an accessibility report.
To join this webinar, please sign up via this link: Register for webinar
In addition, for any client that has individual questions about their service and SMII or for those who have not yet moved over to SMII, we are offering one to one calls to run through the changes, to organise a one to one call, please contact Laura Shilstone.