Accessibility Bulletin Week 48 – accessibility news around the globe

02 Dec 2021 | Accessibility Bulletin

Michelle Hay
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Our weekly roundup of the media’s key articles on the topic of digital accessibility.

UK | Defining a strategy for accessibility - '3 core parts. Compliance, education, and culture'

This post by Craig Abbott, Head of Accessibility at The Department for Work and Pensions, outlines his experience of implementing a strategy for accessibility in a government body.

ALL | How Accessibility Is A Wake Up Call For The Progress Of Business Evolution

This article highlights how the journey of accessibility and business still has a long way to go. It summatises that "we are truly in a moment of change where corporate leadership is regarding the significance of the disability market viewing it as a true leap in revenue opportunities and a new way of thinking about innovation for years ahead."

ALL | Unwrapping the AAAdvent Calendar

The AAAdvent Calendar from AAAtraq is helping to spread the festive spirit and the word about digital inclusion, every day we'll be unveiling a new window.

ALL | Leading websites rated for accessibility for the visually impaired

This article uses newly compiled data which shows that over 40 percent of the most popular websites are inaccessible for users with visual impairments, this includes some big names such as ASOS, Instagram and Facebook.