Accessibility Bulletin Week 10 – accessibility news around the globe

11 Mar 2021 | Accessibility Bulletin

Adam Turner
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Our weekly roundup of the media’s key articles on the topic of digital accessibility. 

US | How COVID-19 has impacted digital accessibility

62% say COVID-19 has increased awareness of the impact of accessibility on digital channels. More than one-third of respondents have heard reports that users with disabilities are having increased difficulty accessing services during this time of crisis

UK | Overlook digital assets and you could fail accessibility test

In the UK, an estimated 19% of working-age adults live with a disability, as does 45% of the pension age population. This translates to 14.1 million people who reported living with a disability. But all too often, companies produce digital assets that don’t cater to those living with disabilities.

ALL | Motivation and the Importance of Accessibility

Interview with Adam Spencer, CEO of AbleDocs, a leading company in the realm of Document Accessibility

ALL | Accessibility – where are you really?

71% of people believe matters are in hand, the stark reality is 94% of websites are not compliant. This false sense of security is diluting brand value and exposing organisations unnecessarily. Get the true picture of your website at: