Developer Corner - No end-of-headers found in HTTP response

08 Mar 2021 | Developer Corner

Helen Grimbly
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This week, Support Lead, Helen Grimbly outlines the broken link error url/fetch/noeoh.

When Sitemorse assesses a site, it starts from the top and spiders the site, following clickable links. Sitemorse will request the assets for the site, and the HTTP response for each asset consists of headers followed by the response content.

The Function broken link error url/fetch/noeoh can be raised by Sitemorse if while attempting to fetch a file from a web server, the end-of-headers marker that indicates the start of the content was missing. This is a malformed response from the web server and the content could not be retrieved.

The following document provides the Hypertext (HTTP) Transfer Protocol:

After Sitemorse requests an asset, the server should return with a response message with the structure:

    A Status-line (e.g. "HTTP/1.1 200 OK")

    Zero or more header lines (e.g. "Content-Type: image/gif")

    An empty line indicating the end of the header fields

    The message-body (which may be empty)

If an url/fetch/noeoh is raised by Sitemorse we recommend reviewing the requested URL and ensuring the response is in the correct format. If the response fails to meet the format then it is likely that a script on the web server requires fixing. If the error does not reoccur reliably then it likely to have been a temporary fault with the web server which caused it to fail to send a full response.