Accessibility Bulletin Week 2 – accessibility news around the globe

14 Jan 2021 | Accessibility Bulletin

Adam Turner
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Our weekly roundup of the media’s key articles on the topic of digital accessibility.

US | Apple bonus – tied to Accessibility performance

Trending on @AppleVis: Apple Executives' Bonuses to Be Tied to Their Performance With Respect to Accessibility and the Company's Other Core Values

ALL | Death of the PDF? Not quite, but it’s great news for accessibility

Danny Bluestone, CEO of UX-driven digital transformation agency Cyber-Duck, highlights some key considerations for web designers and content producers after the UK government updated its content design guidance for open formats.

ALL | ARIA: poison or antidote?

How lying to screen readers cures accessibility, when it doesn't rub salt in it! It's like adding magical sticky notes on top of tools and widgets on your workbench. These magical sticky notes make everyone believe what's written on them. 

CA | AODA Deadlines: What’s Changed and What Hasn’t

If your organization employs 20 or more employees in Ontario (not counting volunteers, contractors, or those outside of Ontario), you must file an accessibility compliance report by June 30, 2021. This deadline reflects the six-month extension to the original December 31, 2020 deadline.

ALL | Writing even more CSS with Accessibility

Building websites layer by layer allows for a cleaner separation of concerns and more resilient experiences. This second article is about user preferences and how to respect them when writing CSS.