Technical Service Bulletin Week 52 - Changing number of pages on the site

23 Dec 2019 | Tech Update

Helen Grimbly
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This week, Support Lead, Helen Grimbly will be looking at why number of pages assessed can differ.

If you have a scheduled monthly assessment which carries out a large assessment of your site, for example 5000 pages, or if you run larger on-demand assessments, sometimes the number of pages found can differ for each assessment. Reasons that the number of pages found can differ could be:

Removed or added pages

Site editors may have removed or added pages during the last month.

Restructuring of the site

The structure of the site could have been changed by the site editors in a way that affects the pages that are assessed by Sitemorse. For example if there was a section of the site that is found under a sub directory of the tested domain, these pages would be included in the assessment (up to the number of pages scheduled or requested for that site). But if the content of that sub directory was moved to a sub domain of that site, this would be considered as a separate site section and not be followed and assessed by Sitemorse.

If the area of the site is known by the owners to have changed, Sitemorse could configure for this sub domain to be included in the assessment. Please contact Sitemorse to discuss this option if required.

Widgets such as Calendar or Search tools

Some widgets such as Calendars or Search tools can as part of their operation create hundreds or thousands of dynamically generated pages, so any changes to such widgets can easily result in many pages appearing or disappearing.

To help identify site changes

In some cases, the Inventory -> 'Directory map' page of an assessment can help identify where the main amounts of pages within a site are located. If you review the Directory map from previous reports, it can sometimes help to see structure changes, sections removed or added.