Accessibility Bulletin Week 40 – accessibility news around the globe

07 Oct 2021 | Accessibility Bulletin

Adam Turner
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Our weekly roundup of the media’s key articles on the topic of digital accessibility.

US | The Third Annual Digital Accessibility Legal Summit

Online Conference: October 7th from noon: the premier annual event for digital accessibility legal practioners

US | Reasonable Accommodations Continue to Trigger Enforcement Activity

An increase in enforcement activity indicates there is still work to do.

ALL | Tour of the Sitemorse accessibility module

Take a closer look at how Sitemorse assesses and reports on the accessibility of your website

ALL | 5 key accessibility questions to ask when buying digital

If you procure or outsource digital products… you’ll want to be assured that the vendors and agencies you’re buying from will meet your accessibility requirements.

US | What to do when you get sued… (revisited)

If you find yourself on the wrong end of a complaint letter, there are a number of things you can do to avoid a long, costly, and potentially embarrassing fight.